Using COSMODIC devices and technologies in the treatment of painful ill-health conditions. COSMODIC protocols, results, and training in the use of technologies.

COVID-19: What Can We Do?

We are in the midst of a novel coronavirus pandemic; no one is truly safe from it, and fear dominates our lives – potentially causing more damage than the virus itself. The danger is real, and contracting a coronavirus carries a lot of health risks; however, that is not a reason to panic. We are…
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lymphatic system in brain

New Discovery in Neuroscience and What It Means to You

Left – how it was viewed before; right – how it is viewed now That is not often that real breakthroughs happen in the brain studies – and the latest one will, apparently, overturn decades of textbook teachings in medical schools. Researchers at the University of Virginia School of Medicine have determined that the brain…
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woman health

COSMODIC Therapy: Influencing The Female Vitality Point

There are a few points on the human body that, when stimulated, have profound effect on your health and well-being. SP6  acupuncture point (Spleen 6, or San Yin Jiao) is one of them. It is also called the Female Vitality Point for its powerful influence on woman’s health. The location of the Spleen 6 is…
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bounce back

COSMODIC Protocols: BOUNCE BACK When You Feel Off-Balance

Imagine: you wake up in the morning refreshed and full of energy, do your Morning Ritual, enjoy your morning meal, kiss your loved ones and wish everybody a good day hearing the same in return, leave your house with a smile and anticipation of a productive day… and then life intervenes. There will be many…
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price value scales

LET Medical COSMODIC: Price vs Value

“These days man knows the price of everything, but the value of nothing.” Oscar Wilde We often hear people saying that our COSMODIC devices sound amazing, but unfortunately, they cannot afford them; they are too expensive for most budgets. So today we want to address this “price” issue – and here is what Dr. Irina,…
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men problems naturally

COSMODIC Therapy: COSMODIC for Male Problems

High PSA? No Problem. COSMODIC to the Rescue! As you probably know, the elevated Prostate-Specific Antigen (PSA) level is a widely used indicator of a serious prostate problem, and the enlarged prostate, prostatitis, prostate cancer, and associated ED are becoming more and more common amongst men these days (arguably, due to serious hormonal imbalance caused…
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Energy Cleanse

COSMODIC Therapy ABC: Protection for SKENAR Therapists

‘Energy Cleanse’ for a SKENAR Therapist When you just begin professionally working with the SKENAR on a regular basis, it often happens that you start manifesting symptoms of your patients. It is a well-known phenomenon that can be more or less expressed but cannot be completely avoided. After all, this is the nature of this…
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enc The Best SCENAR Yet front

COSMODIC Results: ENS in the News

LET Medical Research Laboratory of Medical Electronics led by Dr. Alexander Karasev introduced their latest development, ENS, not so long ago. We’ve already got some very positive feedback from its users, and recently it also made news in the UK. CLICK HERE to see the article on SKY News. The article tells a story about…
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